TRL Level: 7
Features and technical specifications
- BACSIM is a composite system, since it consists of a physical structure with its own design. It integrates two visualization interfaces, such as a monitor and virtual reality helmets, in such a way that these simulate the structure of a surgical microscope. The simulation activity is monitored from the perspective of another observer or evaluator.
- The system integrates two commercial haptic interfaces whose function is to create manual interaction between the user and virtual fabric. Interfaces
they return forces in such a way that the contact between virtual surgical tools with deformable tissue in real time is replicated, while also maintaining the physical properties of the real anatomical elements.
Technology Competitive advantages
- Its main advantages lie in the high availability in time of use and the repeatable and high fidelity practice of both visual and tactile clinical cases where surgery or microsurgery is required. In addition, because they are risk procedures, it allows to develop the care that would be taken in a real operation.
- Its commercial access is varied, such as rent, leasing or direct sale.
Technology applications
- Surgical skills training for residence and personal specialty.
- Anti-vegetative for marine paints and protection of submerged structures.
- Cable coating to prevent deterioration by rodent bites.
Intellectual property
In documentation process.
Sergio Teodoro Vite
Miguel Ángel Padilla Castañeda